Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Walk by the Spirit..........

I found this over at Candace's place and had to steal it! Check it out!!


Phil said...

Thank you, thank you. He's so clear and you can just see the life in his face. Like his relaxed, engaging style too.

While I feel not great, I think there's something particular that resonates here. I think it's so right to just simply tie being "in the flesh" and "being in the Spirit" to one's position "under law" or "under grace"; and "walking in the flesh" or "walking in the Spirit" to seeking to live as if "under law" or "in grace" respectively.

That way we tie freedom to our whole human person, and know the blessing covenant is for the whole of us(?)

Anyway, thanks for sharing it, L. I've nicked it too :)

lydia said...

Aw cool Phil, glad this video really spoke to you! Ryan is really laid back guy, I love his simple to understand teaching style too!!

sparrow girl said...

I just got around to listening to it and really liked it! It was very easy to listen to and very easy to understand, too. Thinking of walking after the flesh as walking as if under law makes things so much clearer! Thanks for posting this, and I hope you're having a great day!

lydia said...

Glad you enjoyed this Sparrow! I did have a lovely day, just enjoying my kids and life!! Hope you are enjoying your weekend too!!!