Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful heart and full of art............

This is my Colby. He is an artist. Every day he comes home from school with tons of his artwork. He puts it all on the fridge, and then heads off to create more art! I absolutely adore this child and his enthusiasm for what he loves to do! It is a blessing to watch my budding artist. So imagine to my surprise when he came home with the above hand crafted turkey stating the things he is thankful for. The first one on the left says, I am thankful for my family, the next one, I am thankful for my mom and my dad, then the next one, which delighted me so said; I am thankful for God. And last but not least, I am thankful for Jesus (spelled jesius). How does that bless a mother's heart!!!! (and he goes to a public school folks.) 
On that note, may you all have a very truly blessed Thanksgiving enjoying family, friends, food and fun!!! Peace to all!!!


sparrow girl said...


The artwork by your son is wonderful!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

I want you to know I am thankful for you!

With love from

lydia said...

Sparrow, you are such a dear sweet woman!! Thank you for stopping by yet again!! I wish you a very special, richly blessed Thanksgiving as well! I too am thankful for you, you are a gift to me!!

Love you!!