Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sound Doctrine

So, what is sound doctrine? And, can there really be so many different doctrines, and denominations....what do you think God thinks of all of this? Hmm...
Okay, so I am not even going to attempt to spell out what sound doctrine really is.....I never used to even care about doctrine, I always found doctrine to be quite boring actually, it created an image in my mind, like that of sitting in a hard chair listening to a really boring lecture, and practically falling asleep.....anyone ever feel this way....I never wanted to know about doctrine because it seemed so lackluster and so unimportant to me....needless to say things have changed for me...I guess I always wanted to experience everything in my Christian life with joy, with fervor and with life behind it..ya know....I didn't want head knowledge from men who rambled on and on out of their verbose terminologies ...what I really want is heart revelation directly inspired by God through the Word of God.....

The bible does address this issue, in Timothy and Titus...but it also addresses the core of what our doctrine should be founded on, in Galatians....The Gospel, the only Gospel.....Paul addresses the Galatian church and rebukes them strongly for teaching a different gospel, for adding to the Gospel that God has freely given for me these days, just focusing on the full Gospel of Grace and nothing else would be sound doctrine...that's just where I am at!!! I want unadulterated pure grace in my life and if "doctrines" come in and steal away from that, to me, that would not be sound doctrine....

I want be in a grace-filled church where the doctrine of grace shapes my experience as much as my thinking and where the sweetness of encounters with God are a weekly occurrence.

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