Thursday, January 3, 2008

"Living for God" Is it possible......?

I do not have it all together, never have...sometimes I like to think I do, ha ha....but then I fall flat on my face and thankfully am reminded I can't do anything in my own strength....I can do all things through HIM! I don't have my act "together", I don't honestly know how to "live for God".....but what I do have is an indwelling Christ, a gift of righteousness and the Holy Spirit!! That is amazing...that I don't have to have it together....if I think I do, and act as though I do.....I am not allowing Christ's life to flow through me .....which is the only way to "live for God" -allowing Christ to live through me, as me is what it's all about!!
Jesus is all we need to "live the life", it isn't Jesus plus something, like Jesus plus quiet times, Jesus plus good works, Jesus plus how well your marriage works, or Jesus plus the sum of anything YOU can do.......because you or I will never PRODUCE a life that pleases Him, HE is the only life that pleases Him!!!! Although many Christians can look good to us, and look like they have it together from what we see and we think is "holiness", but to God he sees the heart and he will not unite with us until we realize we are living a lie......
Often when I find myself facing a situation that seems too difficult for me, I stop and say Lord you have to do this, cause I can't, but I know You can.....this is when His yoke is easy and His burden is light....when I let go of control and allow Him to flow through me.....
Even Jesus when he was on this earth said, "I only do what I see the Father doing......I don't do anything of myself......I only speak what I hear from the Father.....The works that I do, they're not my works; they're the Father's works who dwells in ME."

- "When Jesus said, "Learn from Me, " He meant to learn from Him how He lived. And how did HE live? He lived out of the Father. He didn't have any other secret. As author Gene Edwards has said, Jesus Christ never tried to live the Christian life. He didn't have a Bible at home to read; He didn't have a prayer group to go to. He let the Father live the life through Him. He learned how to live out of the resources of the Father, which are not of this seen and temporal realm, but of the unseen and eternal realm." -
(quote from "The Rest of the Gospel.....)

So if Jesus lives in us, which HE does if we are truly born again, we don't have to TRY to live for God...HE in us...lives the LIFE......."IT's CHRIST IN YOU, the HOPE of GLORY......" No amount of trying, striving or effort will release Christ's life through you it will only frustrate you to no is your trusting by FAITH....take it by faith and say "Lord, your Holy Spirit is showing me this truth, that Christ lives in me, my old nature has died, I am alive in Christ..(.after all you embrace by faith that he died on the cross for your sins, you embraced by faith that Jesus is the Son of you can embrace that Jesus lives in you, as you)....please captivate my heart with this awesome truth so that I can lay claim to it, and stop trying to live the life myself and allow Christ to flow in me, out of me, living His life as me to know by revelation that you have joined your spirit with my Spirit and that there is Deity inside me.....I am a vessel, or ambassador, or container of God's Life.....Wow, Lord we contain your Life....that is amazing....Thank You, thank you...this is freedom, this is REST ....I truly can be still and rest and trust in You to do all things through me.....AMEN!!!"

1 comment:

Matthew Campbell said...

People who think they can live for God are obviously not allowing the Law to reveal the depth of their sin.

Today was one of those days where felt like "sin on a stick" as Frank Friedmann says. I am so far from being perfect. I am so far from simply being what I want to be. I try to trust Christ and I fall numerous times and I continually have to remind myself of the grace the surrounds me. The love of a Father who is proud of his son for taking a few steps.

I believe taking up our cross means embracing our death with Christ and our forgiveness in Him alone. Our cross is His cross. We died with Him and He has cleared us of all sin. We have to renounce and forget anything we think we may have and trust Him alone!!

Living for God is impossible. But God living for us is very possible.