Thursday, September 25, 2008

Receive your healing today!!!

You and I, we are meant to be whole! In spirit, soul and body! I am believing that I am becoming whole!! Lately, I have been believing God for my healing from asthma, allergies, chronic sinusitus, headaches, migraines, pain all down the right side of my body, eczema and some other issues with my health. Watching the Lakeland Revival, listening to great preaching and visiting a Healing Room have all been ignitors of my faith for my healing. Reading God's Word on the matter keeps my focus on my healing and inheritance steady! However, by my faith, confessions or efforts I will not be healed. It is only by believing in Jesus and what He has done for me!!! On the cross he carried my sickness and bore my infirmities!!
Over the past several months I have gradually seen an increase in wellness manifest in my body. Prior to that for 6 months straight I was sick all the time. Over the years I have struggled greatly with asthma, and sinus infections, especially in the fall, my favorite time of year no less. Lately though, I haven't experienced the usual fall sickness or symptoms!! Yahoo! I have felt quite healthy and am only getting healthier~! I no longer have sinus infections, migraines, headaches, aches all down the side of my body!! And I believe that one day I will wake up free from all the ailments that have been plaguing me for TOO LONG!!! I have heard this quote flying around that, "one day with sickness is one day too long!!"  I must agree. If God is not the author of sickness, we know who is, and I for one do not want to be linked in anyway to his schemes! 
So, I thought I'd share a bit of my journey into healing. Oh, and I personally haven't done a thing to change my own health, I'm just believing God on this!! My hope is to see more and more folks embrace their healing. After all it is your inheritance! Take it by storm if you have to - it's yours!!! I don't care if others aren't getting healed and that clouds your faith! (Not that I am saying I don't have compassion for those who aren't yet healed!!) Unfortunately, their reality or even your reality (with an illness) is not God's reality for you!!! I want to say to you don't give up! Do not fall into unbelief and accept your sickness!! I am not suggesting striving in any way, just listening to the word of God on this again and again until you believe it! 
That said, I must share a wonderful video teaching done by Bertie Brits. Thanks to Julie for finding this guy!! It is a wonderful grace filled teaching and I highly recommend checking it out today, don't wait! One more day with sickness is far too long!!! 
(When you click on the link, go to the bottom of the page to find the video teaching.........)


Jamie said...

And the really cool part is God IS faithful.

We're believing with you.

lydia said...

Thank you, I had a feeling if anyone commented on this post it would be you!! You are awesome!! And God is faithful, and His Word is really alive and powerful! ~ and I can't be silent!!

Jamie said...

Oh, Lydia, you are so precious; you are making me cry for joy.

To be a witness to what God is birthing through you is truly an honor.

Love you.

lydia said...

My joy and crown, you who I long for.........I truly have a love brewing up for you too!!! It's beautiful to be sisters in Christ, oh and I never had a natural just keeps getting better!! :)