Sunday, November 2, 2008

"Don't let an unclear Scripture rob you of the joy of a clear Scripture"

I am finally done typing out the message "Victory over condemnation" and have posted it over at Rob Rufus - Grace and Glory, so go check it out! This message has been one of my favorites by Rob, it has helped me truly understand God is no longer angry with me, and will never ever be!! Isn't that wonderful news! I just love Isaiah 54, the declaration God makes, He takes an oath never to be angry with us again! If you have never understood this truth or read this passage, you simply must go read the notes! Also there is a very classic Rob quote that I love that comes from this message, and it's "don't let an unclear Scripture rob you of the joy of a clear Scripture." Alot of christians can't embrace the good news that God will never be angry with them again, because they will find random scriptures here and there that confuse them, but are not totally clear. But Isaiah 54, is truly a clear Scripture that will set you free!! 

 I would also like to share  this song that City Church sang at the end of this particular message. It is an all time favorite of mine and I can't hear it enough. Enjoy!

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