Monday, February 23, 2009

Notes from one of Rob Rufus' messages........

locked up, until faith should be revealed.................revelation, not what you recognize through academic study, but what has been revealed to you and you truly 'see it' or 'get it' ...............not just the idea of faith, but the difference b/t the OC and the NC...............get ready........under OC, the law was given so you would try to keep it to earn the blessing, under the law there was no one righteous, no one could keep the law perfectly so they were cursed. Under the NC, promises are given to give the blessing...............when faith is revealed they just's the jaw hanging shocking statement, ready............this is it.............this is going to make me really popular with some people............sin is defined differently under the new covenant, sin is defined as unbelief in the grace of God, anyone who does not believe in the grace of God is in sin.............where there is no law, there is no sin!!! sin under the NC is unbelief...........legalistic churches are the most sinning churches on the planet.............because they don't believe God wants to bless them they way he did Abraham, they believe they gotta 'do things' to get the blessing....................Col. 2............once you are in Christ where does the NC say you have to confess sins or repent from only shows that we have to repent from dead works..............repent from unbelief and dead works, that's it!! Whenever he is talking about sin in Hebrews, he is talking about unbelief...............Heb. 10 - they are trampling the blood of Jesus under foot, because they don't have faith that Jesus blood can save them.......they are believing more in the blood of bulls and goats...................If you die in Moses you are going straight to hell!!

One sin he couldn't die for was unbelief...............Heb. 11 - now faith vs. 6, list of dozens of people who faith conquered etc............Heb 12:1 - who are the witnesses - all the people of faith, not sin, the sin, of one single sin, self conscious self focused sin consciousness............what hinders us, unbelief in the finished work of Jesus!!! Col. 2 - how many of you want to see fulness in your you know you have already got it - your journey is to grow in revelation- a faith revealed............verse 8 - Paul is no fool what he is preaching is causing the Pharisees to froth at the mouth with anger...............see to it, that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy...........verse 9 for in Christ all the fulness of the Deity lives in bodily form and you have been given fullness in Christ who is the head of every power...........vs. 11 - in Him you were also circumcised by HIM- verse 13 - God made you alive with Christ, he forgave us all our sins.................he cancelled the written code and disarmed the powers and authorities...............fulness is - my sinful nature was cut away, that nature that was suspicious about the integrity of God, when God had given Adam everything Satan tried to tell him God was restricting him and created a credibility gap in Adams consciousness about God's goodness. God had made Adam in his likeness and given him Adam ate the fruit because he thought God hadn't given him everything, and then he grew a consciousness of self our old nature was cut out...........and a new nature was given to now what's our problem, our heads our still programmed with I am not good enough, and what we are taught..............#2 in fullness, he forgave all your sins - when ?after you sinned? NO 2000 years ago he wiped out all your sins............they are all gone!!! Fullness all sins gone!! #3 - all the laws are gone, nailed to the cross, cancelled totally!! No more written code, when this happened the enemy had nothing left to oppose you with - he was disarmed...................but the church is re=-arming a defeated devil.................How much more can FULLNESS be..............if you are constantly suspicious of God's goodness, maybe you are not yet born again..................Jesus I believe you are good!! You cut away that old nature at the cross, cut out that old nature out of can't receive it if you don't believe it...............there will be people in hell that have been forgiven all their sins ,but because they haven't believed in the truth of their fullness........

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