Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Do I really need to know what's wrong with me??

Cause honestly I already know I am human! Duh! I mean honestly, how many of us deep down, truly truly know, in this life, in this world, that we are not perfect? Or already scrutinize ourselves to the point of grief and despair. Should we not be taking the stance that declares what is right with us, thanks to Christ's work on the cross? WELL?? Isn't that the point of the Gospel, the GOOD NEWS??  To declare to all mankind the redemptive work of Christ to set us free in Him!! To give us a new nature!! And have God himself, declare us as righteous, spotless, perfect forever!! WELL, HUH???
I have to bring this up, because I keep hearing what is wrong with me. Poo!! How depressing!! God is not counting my sins against me, nor is he to you. The cross wiped that all out once and for all. So why is it, that Christians all across the globe focus on what is wrong with them and how to fix it?? Why?? And why do they tell others what is wrong with them? Or make it a point to say the being gay is a sin? Or whatever the sin is, as if it's any worse than any sin they have committed. DUH!! 
Recently, I have had to readjust my own thinking. Dang. Renew my mind with the truth. Cause guess what? I found myself focusing on what was wrong with my kids and pointing out their faults to them. Tough situation. Let's be honest, kids really bring out some interesting behavior don't they? One day my one son repeatedly felt the need to tell his brother all his faults. Brutal. He was ruthless too. As I listened, I could hear myself doing the same thing to him. No wonder he is so good at this. So I stopped him, and we talked about it a bit. We decided that love would be encouraging, and not malicious like that. Ever since then I have been careful with my words with him. 
It just creeps in so easily. We get so fixed on the natural and want to 'fix' it, or 'deal' with it somehow. But we just can't. The only answer is love. After all that was God's answer. 
When we focus on what is wrong with us, or with others that is just a total recipe for a guilt trip. It's not God's way! No wonder when someone tells you off and reports your faults, you want to run and hide. Or in some people's case, scream right back at them. It just puts you on the defense unnecessarily. Because Christ - paid the price - for all sin - for all time! Once and done. He IS our defense!! And you know what - Jesus is NOT a fault finding husband. No siree!! So if he is accepting me fully and completely and God is NOT counting my sins against me, then no one should. 
Now don't hear what I am not saying. I am not advocating sinning on purpose. Nor am I saying there is never a time and place when we can't discuss issues we face based on how others treat us. Nor should we tolerate being sinned against and mistreated.  This is a delicate thing, this speaking the truth in love. Anyway, what I do aim to say, is why focus on faults that God has dealt with satisfactorily to him. Why, fix your eyes on what the Cross has redeemed and removed? Why? Sure there is regret and the ability to learn from mistakes and grow - BUT - we should always, always fix our eyes on Jesus. He is the author and perfector of our faith, and our lives. HIM!!! There ain't nothing you can do about your faults so you might as well stop looking at them, thinking about them and gazing at your own belly buttons!!! He has given you his very life!! His life flows in and through you!! Do you not think He is powerful enough to keep you and to live His life, in spite of you, through you?? Tell me, what can prevent Christ from accomplishing only what HE can?? 
That said, I don't need to know what's wrong with me, but. I trust Him to lead me into all truth, and to then empower and enable me to move with His Spirit. I will focus on what God declares is right with me, and that is my life is hid in Christ! I am in Him and He is in me! It's Christ in me the hope of glory. It is a union now. He and me united as one! I mean how amazing is that! How reveling and wonderful and freeing is HIS truth - His declaration over my life, as well as the spiritual truth of me being joined with Christ!!! Hallelujah!!! I could speak of this truth forever!!! And plan to..............


sparrow girl said...

I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed and related to this post. I am so tired of worrying about what's wrong with me and how to fix it. I'm ready to focus on Christ in me and what's right with me because of Him. Thank you so much for your encouraging words!

lydia said...

Hi there Sparrow Girl, glad you stopped by and were encouraged by this post!!! Be blessed and refreshed in HIM!!!!

sparrow girl said...

Do you mind if I put some quotes from this post on my blog? I hope it's okay since I already did it! I did not think you would mind, and God spoke beautifully through you. Hope it's okay..

lydia said...

Hey SG ~ Nope, don't mind at all! Now I gotta come and visit :)