Wednesday, October 21, 2009


For God so loved the world......He created us in HIS image and declared us GOOD.......Jesus Christ, the lamb slain BEFORE the foundation of the world. 

Grace was in place before man ever sinned, or even existed!! Man was wanted by God, therefore he was created.
So, I was struck today by a very ridiculous, but common statement I hear uttered out of the mouths of christians regularly. It's right up there with, "I am doing better than I deserve."  Ugh! It was someone stating how undeserving poor lil ole them is receiving grace from God. 
Alright, pause for a moment..............................Let's become like little children. Say your parents lavished love on you day in and day out. They shower you with good gifts and declare how wonderful and precious you are to them. Your dad even tells you that you are perfect in His sight, even though you know from time to time you really are quite naughty. Do you gratefully receive your parents unceasing love for you? Or do you say thanks dad, but I am so undeserving of this love and kindness? I don't know about any of you - but as a child I can't recall telling my parents I don't deserve their goodness. I actually craved their love and affection, and longed for them to be good to me. 
So, back to this 'undeserving'  christian attitude we hear of so often. Folks that attitude shows me that you are focused on your shortcomings and not on the fact that God loves to bless you, and to pour out His love on you. 
Next time someone asks you how you are doing - you can revel in God's goodness to you with joy and point to His perfect love - not your 'undeservedness'. Jesus already dealt with our fallen state - God has declared us righteousness and spotless!! Let's believe Him and thank Him for what He's done, not to mention what He has already completely finished!!
It's not about us deserving it - after all it's unmerited. We can't earn it anyway. That would miss the point of the very nature of God. He pours out His love freely because he can't help it!! He is a lover!
We just miss the heart of God when we make it about us (and ultimately about our performance)!  There is nothing you or I can DO to obtain his favor, grace or love.  And, there is nothing we can DO to lose it either! Jesus act upon Calvary was the ultimate love act for all of mankind! And it was His joy to go to the Cross!! He knew what it would mean for all of humanity! Restored relationship and a new life for all who would but believe on Him!!! 
Grace is indeed unmerited, it is a gift! We can freely receive it without having to feel the need to point out we are undeserving. I don't know about you, but I long to be blessed by God and I smile when he showers me with heavenly kisses. I know He loves and adores me and it makes my heart sing with delight!! That is relationship!! Relationship is based on love and acceptance, not on merit or performance!! So go ahead and freely receive the lavish grace of your wonderful Father!!! 


Phil said...

Lydia,would you email me this post? i want to keep it but I can't copy and paste at the mo..

Phil said...

Duh,I just remembered what that letter symbol means!

lydia said...

So Phil are you good with the copying, or do you still need me to email? And if so, I need your email :)

sparrow girl said...

I love this! There is nothing we can do to obtain His favor and nothing we can do to lose it either - it just lifts the spirit to hear that!

Why do we have to focus so much on us and how we are bad, bad, bad? Why can't we just focus on Him and how He is good, good, good!

Your posts so often are used by Him to lift my spirits! Thank you!

lydia said...

Hey Sparrow, are you floating yet? Teehee!!!!

Phil said...

I emailed myself the link via my phone,but the text would be good..My email's on my profile..

lydia said...

Hey Phil ~ I can't find it :) Those email buttons on the profile thingy don't work for me.............

Phil said...'ve been thinking some of the same type of thoughts as your latest post the last few days.