Sunday, November 15, 2009

Freedom awaits............

Come to me, you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest -take MY yoke upon you, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light- all true change will be effortless because of my life in you -do not submit yourself back under a yoke of slavery, which is the law, the ministry of death and condemnation - the strength of sin is the law, but where there is NO law there is no awareness of sin, I am the end of the law, I will not point out your faults-where my spirit is, there is freedom-so again I say to you who are tired and thirsty, in me there is such freedom-what are you waiting for! 

Love ~ Jesus


sparrow girl said...

I loved this and I needed this! Refreshing words to me today! I hate it when I go back under self-condemnation...yuck!

Love to you, Lydia!

lydia said...

This was going through my mind incessantly until I jotted it down, like an urgency - must be someone needed to hear it ;) Glad it blessed you!!!! Love you girl, you bless me big!!!