Sunday, November 15, 2009

More preaching from Bertie.........

Last night I had the privilege of going to hear Bertie Brits speak, this time a bit closer to home in Northwest Philadelphia. The church that held the meeting was also an Indian fellowship, and when I entered the sanctuary I quickly realized I was THE ONLY white woman there, without a sari and head scarf. Very cool! Thankfully, I sat on the right side, as I also quickly noticed the men were on one side and the women on the other. We only sang one song in english, then several in, well forgive me, but whatever dialect, not sure if it was Hindi or not. I actually was quite thrilled to be fellowshipping with like minded believers yet of a whole different culture. It's a beautiful thing!! 
Bertie was on fire last night! Yow! He was preaching to a much larger crowd than on Friday night, and he was preaching with a translator. He reiterated a lot of what he shared on Friday, and really just spelled out the radicalness of the Gospel with such passion it was powerful! He started out in Rom. 5:19, and explained how it's not your disobedience that made you a sinner. We were born sinners, because of one man's sin. It is also not through your obedience that you were made righteous. Through the cross and Jesus shed blood you were made righteous, and born into newness of life. So it's important to see that our good works or efforts have nothing to do with our righteousness. 
You simply cannot measure temperature with a ruler, you measure it with a thermometer. In the same way good works can never measure holiness. The Cross is the way to measure your holiness. Praise God!!!  Salvation is NOT a process, it WAS a process and Jesus completed that process. It was finished!!!
He also read in Luke 24, about how the two men were walking on the road to Emmaus and Jesus found them and they were sad. So there is a way to perceive the 'Word' with sadness. If you view it in the wrong way it will produce sadness. But after Jesus shared the 'Word' with them, they said did not our hearts burn within us. When we read scriptures pertaining to Jesus our hearts should burn within us. That is the true 'Word of God'.  It is what Jesus came to do for you. If a word you read is not God's love for you, it's not the Word of God, because God IS love. Jesus was full of grace and truth. If your message is not full of grace and truth, it is not the Word of God. 
Then he went on to James 1:23 and talked about what being doers of the Word really means. Now that he had laid a foundation for what the 'Word of God' is, he said it does not mean be doers of the law. Being a doer of the Word, means being a partaker of what Jesus has done for you, and of no condemnation.  Then he went on to explain how it's not just the 10 commandments that believers try to assume is doing the Word of God, but any rule you come up with in the church and put on people. He also said, 'Now I am going to shock you - God gave the law so you can sin more!'  Think Romans 5:20. If you want to sin more, get more rules. 
What followed was hilarious. He started giving examples of how the church makes up rules, but then can't even follow them, and often they are not even in the Bible, and even if they were they should not be trying to live by them. The church was laughing quite a bit during this part. He really shook some religious mindsets I am sure. 
Unfortunately, I had to leave before it was over, cause my nose was running like a faucet and I was sneezing my head off. Ugh. As I got ready to leave, standing outside of the sanctuary, wishing I didn't have to go, the pastor approached me. He asked how I came to be at the meeting, and I explained how I followed Bertie's teaching. He kindly invited me to visit them anytime. I am glad I was able to go, it was a lovely experience altogether despite my overactive sinuses. 
Also, Bertie asked this question and now I ask you; "What is the perfect law of liberty?".............


Anonymous said...

So Lydia... I have read that before. Romans 5:19. It's not our obedience but HIS. Very cool scripture.

"If a word you read is not God's love for you, it's not the Word of God, because God IS love." I still try to "get it." I try to measure God's love with a ruler or at least speculate. I'm glad you heard some good news. Happy for you.

Jamie said...

The only law we live under: Life in Christ.

sparrow girl said...

The perfect law of liberty - I see it as the law that says I am free in Christ - free from sin, guilt, condemnation, rules, enslavement, hopelessness, rejection, shame, - I am free in Jesus! There is no law on me except the law that says "Daughter, go free!"

I wish I could have heard him speak...I have been reading and listening to some of his stuff! Glad you got to just soak in good news, Lydia!

Jamie said...

And, I should have said, He keeps us.

Great quote someone gave me:

I'm not looking for another law to keep. I'm looking for a Life that will keep me!!!

Isn't that liberty? The freedom to live knowing you are accepted. loved, and kept UNCONDITIONALLY? The joy of knowing that nothing you do neither adds to nor subtracts from the work of the cross?

And for Phil, another quote:

God isn't trying to make us into something we're not. He is trying to wake us up to who we already are.

The oft heard phrase: I'm still under construction isn't true unless we're referring to the renewing of our minds. What a CRAZY God thing it is to live from the "inside out". :)

lydia said...

Hey ya'll, I love everything that was shared here, good stuff. Jamie those are some good quotes that pack a mighty punch, may have to steal those ;) Phil, perhaps my last post was for you :) I do know what you mean about saying the words, but not really living in the reality yet, but just think you are renewing your mind - His life in you will spring forth I know it. We are transformed by the constant renewing of our mind - hang in there!! Boy does the church need to get a hold of this mind renewing business.............inside out life is WAY better, than external restraints!!!

Love to all!!!

jul said...

the law of liberty... It is for freedom Christ has set you free! Do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery!!!

Why don't the legalists ever mention this 'command'? hehe

sparrow girl said...

I love all these comments! We are loved and kept unconditionally - oh that is great! And the "command" not to get burdened again by the law - very cool!

Grace being like oxygen - so many times I feel it's getting stuffy in my head with confusion, and the fresh air of grace just pours in, like when someone opens a window in a stuffy room...aah!

lydia said...

So true Julie - ha!!!

Sparrow you sound like you are getting high on grace - ahaha!!!! Love it!!!

sparrow girl said...

Hey Phil! We are soaring in Jesus today, aren't we? The view from up here is great! Didn't Steve McVey say the law is like gravity, but we are in the law of grace/the Spirit, which is like flight? We just CAN'T be kept earthbound - we WILL rise up and soar!